Thursday, December 3, 2015

RT@shannonihayes The guest post that wasn't.... #IndyThursday

So I've been doing the blog tour right, and one of the stops was a guest post, I sat down weeks before it was due and spent the better part of an hour of my day to write the damn thing.  It was supposed to go live a few days ago.... 
Supposed to... Yeah didn't happen. Don't exactly know why, I'm sure there was some excuse I was given but I don't give a shit enough to go looking for it now. It's 4am and I decided I needed content, so I have gone on a hunt and found the damned thing. I wrote it, so I'm going to share it for fucks sake. Of course It's been edited slightly now. But without further ado...

Inside the Mind of an Author:

 How a Book Comes to Life

Written By S.I. Hayes

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday, September 7, 2015

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A break in the Silence #AmWriting #BiPolar #NoSleep #CrazyTrain @shannonihayes

Wisdom, Happiness Harmony

       These are the words that have sat before me for the past month or so. Little Dollar store framed caricatures  and a photo of a lost beloved pet. That there is my Grifialchial (Griffin or Mow, Mow for short). He died back in 2004 but I still miss him quite a lot. He was a beautiful and affectionate boy. Followed me around all through the house. 

I'm sitting here at 3 am with a shit tone of things running through my head, chowing down on a brownie washing it down with a bottle of water. Not sure exactly where I'm going with this post. Maybe it's the coffee keeping me up. Maybe it's the Mania, I'm not entirely sure, either way I'm writing something. Listening to my Pandora station, the songs are all poignant tonight. Songs like Cold (but I'm still here) from Evans Blue and Beautiful, from 10 Years, are hitting nerves...