Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Farewell To A Great Read!

This is not mine, this is from Author Eri Nelson 

A group for Independent Authors
It's continuing mission, to help connect Authors and Readers to each other. The page is a platform to Collectively Proactively Promote  one another, through Re-tweets, Re-blogs, Google +'s and although the magazine has now closed it's pages, do not despair! Eri and the others in the Network have something fun and new in the wings! Video Book Tours! Come on over to Wonderful Reads Of the Month  and see what's in store and perhaps when it all goes live you'd like to sign up for your very own tour. It only takes a small commitment, a few tweets, and a blog post or two each month. Help Support your favorite Authors!

Happy Writing!!

Click For Full Browser

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Admins are people too!

As I ponder this awesome accomplishment of humankind, to expand the World of Digital Experience, I am also reminded that this information age is a double edged sword. While on one hand it has the capability to link like minded individuals together to accomplish great things, on the other hand it can become the very thing which can pull us apart. 

The misplacing of a word, the wrong phrase, and what was supposed to be a complement can be easily misread and seen as a dig. The next thing you know the context of a message has been twisted and someone is left feeling jaded, stepped on and abused, which leaves me thinking that; 

They really need to invent a sarcastica font

Ode to Salinger

      Wow! It's been 9 whole days since this blog went live here on blogger , and already it and it's partners, The 131 Preview Review and  In Dreams... The Solitary Road, have seen a combined total of 417 hits, as of 6:39 AM EST. I thought I would take the opportunity as I smoke to send a HUGE THANK YOU! Out to those who have stopped in. So Here goes...


     Now that I've said it I've probably jinxed it, and my numbers won't move for a month. LOL, Let's hope I'm ever so wrong.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

An Exercise We Should All Consider......As People and as Authors

               A little back ground. This was an exercise my psychologist suggested. At first I scoffed at it, as I often do at anything that seems an exercise in futility.  But having gone back and looked at it over time, while my observations of myself have not changed, I have found that this organization of thought has helped me to develop as a person and a writer. Understanding ones self is the key to everything and I believe this was a great step.
               The Exercise was to picture your emotions as living breathing entities.  All traveling on a bus, they are the passengers, and you potentially the driver. To take them and describe them as you see them. It has been enlightening. You should try it!

"The Gate Keepers"

           So I was going through my e-mail and one of my newsletters had this link to an article from The Guardian an e-zine, written by YA/Children's Book Author James Dawson.
           It questions the use of profanity in Young Adult literature, and explains the How and Why it is not used. The meat of it gives me this Blog title and is a follows:
         "...but it was at this stage "the gatekeepers" were first mentioned. Booksellers, book groups, librarians and bookshop buyers form this steely line of defense  They are arguably the most powerful link in the publishing chain. These are the people who decide whether or not to sell your product. Without them, a book, especially a book by a debut author, is relegated to the internet and warehouse shelves thus limiting the potential contacts a reader can make with the book in the real world."

When the story take on a mind of its own. Also known as Ahhh! too much in the head and not enough time!!

             Ever sit down to work on a piece of your fiction with a definitive Beginning...Middle...and End in place? It is a rarity, I know, but it does sometimes happen. So I have the whole of the work all nice and neat in my head and have been banging out the pages on and off for the past couple months, admittedly more off than on, but it is there. More or less, in this case more, rather than less.

               I started this venture telling myself that it was going to be a short story. Just a little companion Prequel to my Debut Novel, In Dreams The Road  Unavoidable.                                          

It's Been A Long Journey..... But Here I Am.

             All created by me, for all of you! Hours of blood, sweat and tears went into all that is my work. And just when I thought I was done, Woosh! It had to be redone. Oh Holy Hell.

          Format this way for smashwords, that way for Kindle, and another way all together for Createspace. I think my head is gonna explode. Add to that the fact that my computer hates me the last few days. It likes to freeze up at the most inopertune of times. Leaving me hanging like a slip on the clothesline just as the rain starts, while your at work! All this insert break here and update TOC there, for a minute I was wondering if it was worth all the trouble.

​                      But then I saw it, MY Book. Front, spine, back cover....